Couch to 5k Walk

5 K Walkers Training Guide
From Couch to Walking a 5k

Walking is a great way to stay/get into shape.  I know it does not sound that glamorous, but it can help you feel good about yourself.  It is also a lot better for your knees than running.  This is a guide to get you from a very sedentary lifestyle to accomplishing that first 5k walk.  Anyone can follow this program and complete their first 5k.  If you can not get every workout in or have to skip a day here and there, it is ok.  Just don’t make a habit of missing a lot of days or you will give up.  Just stay in there. Here is a break down of the weeks.

Monday: Except for the first week,  this is going to be a rest day.  The weekends are the longest workout and this gives your body a time to recover.  If you are not sore, you can walk or ride a bike.  In other training programs this day is used for strength training or cross training, so if you feel up to it, go for it. 

Tuesday: Walk at a comfortable pace on these days.  This is not too strenuous.  This allows you to gradually lengthen the distance without discomfort or risk of injury.

Wednesday: This is a day that depends on how you feel.  If you feel good or the day before went really well and you are not feeling sore, this is a good day to get some extra miles in.  When training for a run, this day is usually the longest run during the week.  If you are able, you can repeat what you did on Saturday or Sunday.

Thursday: This is just a repeat of Tuesday.

Friday: This is the set rest day.  You will need to rest your muscles so that you are ready for the longer workouts on the weekend.

Saturday: This workout is over a distance rather than for a specific amount of time.  This allows you to see how well you are doing in regards to building up mileage so that you will be prepared for the 5k.  You don’t necessarily need to keep track of the time.  Walking should be about eliminating stress not adding more.

Sunday: You made it through the week.  Now find a nice path through the woods or in the neighborhood where you can  walk for the designated time.  This walk should ideally be an hour, but if you need to build up to an hour start with 20 min.  If you like to be alone, take your time, but this is a great way to get your family active.

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