10 K Runners Training Guide
From Couch to Running a 10k
Running is a fantastic way to stay in shape. It can help you focus while also burn off a lot of stress, and who doesn’t need to burn off stress. Especially if you work in the school. This is a guide that will help you go from a sedentary life to running a 10K. Do your best to follow the guide. If you miss a day here or there, it will be ok, just don’t make a habit of missing your training schedule. This guide is set up to allow you to build miles while also trying to eliminate any injury. Follow the guide and have fun.
Monday: The weekend can be brutal, so here is a day to recover. You can take a stroll or walk for however you feel comfortable. This is also a great day to cross train, which means ride a bike or go for a swim, or use that elliptical sitting in your garage. This could also be a day that you can go to the gym and work out if you have a membership. I prefer to go for a bike ride, this is also to get the whole family out.
Tuesday: This is a day in which will help your running. The best method is the run/walk method. You start by running for 1-2 minutes and then walking for 1-2 minutes. As the weeks go by, you want to build your running time while keeping your walking to 1-2 minutes. So by week 8 you should be running 5-8 minutes and walking for 1-2 minutes. This is an excellent way to build up your mileage without injury. When you are running your miles, it is a good practice to use. People run marathons using this method. If you would rather just run, go for it.
Wednesday: Wednesday is strictly a cross training day. Use this time to ride a bike, swim or move in some other form for the designated time. When training for longer runs, this is the longest run during the week. For this training, just get moving.
Thursday: This is just a repeat of Tuesday. The distance will be a little shorter toward the end, but will still be a good distance.
Friday: This is the set rest day. You will need to rest your muscles so that you are ready for the longer workouts on the weekend.
Saturday: This workout is over a distance rather than for a specific amount of time. This allows you to see how well you are doing in regards to building up mileage so that you will be prepared for the 10k. You don’t necessarily need to keep track of the time. Running should be about eliminating stress not adding more.
Sunday: You made it through the week. Now find a nice path through the woods or in the neighborhood where you can walk or cross train for the designated time. This workout should ideally be an hour, but if you need to build up to an hour start with 30 min. If you like to be alone, take your time, but this is a great way to get your family active. If you need to, switch Saturday and Sunday workouts.
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