Monday, October 25, 2010
Fit Food Tip #5
Hello again!
So, YOU’RE on the eating healthy bandwagon, but how in the world do you get those kids to eat anything besides chicken nuggets and fries?
Whole wheat is probably one of the easiest changes to make. It does take a little getting used to, but every kid loves bread and pasta – they might put up a little struggle over the switch, but this is usually a pretty easy place to start. Once it’s covered in sauce or pb&j, they probably won’t complain TOO much. J
Fruit is another fairly easy thing to get kids eating since it’s SWEET! J This is nature’s dessert, so why not treat it as such? Instead of filling the pantry with cookies and Little Debbie snacks, keep a bunch of apples, bananas, grapes, raisins, and pears…(the list goes on) on hand. Serve up some baked apples sprinkled in cinnamon for dessert or smoothies for an afternoon snack. (use yogurt, not ice cream) You can google a thousand easy smoothie recipes! J side note: You are going to think I’m kidding you on this one, but I swear, I’m not – you have to try it to believe it – seriously – you can’t even taste the spinach, at all!!
Yummy Smoothie with Spinach
1-2 ripe bananas (or ones that you have frozen)
a handful of spinach leaves (I buy the already-washed organic baby spinach that comes in a package)
about 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (frozen ones are cheaper, plus this is what makes the smoothie cold and icy without having to add ice)
any other fruit you if you want to add, fresh or frozen (note that raspberries will make little seeds in the smoothie — my girls don’t like them)
half of a small yogurt, or more if you like
a dash of liquid, either milk (dairy or non-dairy) or any kind of juice
Blend all ingredients. If the smoothie is too runny, add more banana and/or frozen stuff or ice. If you are having trouble getting it to blend, you need to add more liquid — just a little at a time.
Now, I will say, the first time I made this, I didn’t blend enough and I really felt like I was eating mulched grass out of the front yard. Ha! The taste was good, but not texture…so I tried again, and just left the blender on for extra time and it became smooth, just like anything you could get at a smoothie shop…it is bright green, but maybe if you call it a booger shake or slime smoothie or something, those kids will eat it up! (also, you could try bananas, strawberries, and a scoop of nesquik for a chocolate-fruit-spinach version)
Vegetables for some reason are the hardest to sneak in there, as we all know. Here’s a few recipes that might get your family on the healthy track, though: - over pasta maybe? Oh yum! (I use frozen chopped broccoli - I’ve found the smaller the pieces, the more apt they are to eat it) - a little butter and sugar, but not really that much for 2 potatoes…and way better than Cheetos for lunch!
Also, I’ve found you can slip a lot of veggies into pancakes! Sweet potatoes or pumpkin (Veggie? Gourd? Not sure what category that is!) go amazingly well, especially with a little cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. I think I could probably do a whole e-mail on pancakes, really!
One last side note…I was looking for kid-friendly veggie recipes, and I came across “Deep Fried Spinach!” Seriously!?! Talk about vitamin C in the mop water! (remember that a few e-mails ago?) Please, please, please, don’t turn to tons of oil, grease, sugar, heavy creams, etc. to get your kids on the veggie train – there’s a TON of other healthy options that I bet your kids will go for, even if it takes a few tries of different recipes. Hang in there, they will thank you for it, even if they’re 32 before they do! J That, and it’s a lot easier for YOU to eat healthy if you’re not sitting there with your plate of steamed veggies while everyone else has hot dogs and fries!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fit Food Tip #4
Since last’s weeks memo was a little more of a novel, we’re going to keep this one pretty short and sweet….it’s all about pre-prepping your food –
Eating fresh takes time – chopping, peeling, washing – what if you did all that as soon as you get home from the grocery store? Throw that grocery bag of veggies on the counter, and get them all chopped, washed, and peeled before they ever even make it into your fridge. Makes the cooking part super-simple later on in the week. And if you’re planning on using them for snacks or lunches, go ahead and portion them out – veggie filled zippy bags are just as quick to grab out of the fridge on Tuesday morning as a chip bag from the pantry!
….It’s one of those days: you’ve had a million and one things to do….you look up, it’s 7:30, and dinner hasn’t even entered your mind until suddenly your stomach is screaming at you – “Food! NOW!” - or maybe it’s the kids… Either way, you’ve got to figure something out quick….usually that means going to a restaurant or a quick freezer-pizza-ish sort of thing you can throw in the oven really quick. Hey, those days happen. Enter: Once A Month Cooking!! I’ll let you look through the links yourself and learn a little about it…it does involve a couple of hours of intense cooking, but it makes those weeknights sooo much easier! You could even make it a “once a week” or “once every 2 weeks” sort of thing. Even just a couple of meals in the freezer would help for those “Food!, NOW!” sort of moments. - this site's not "pretty" :) but it's full of good info,low-fat - this is that website I mentioned last week...I used the recipe sifter button on "low-fat" and "Once a Month Cooking" - easy as pie...uh, I mean carrot sticks :) - again, nothing fancy, but a ton of veggie recipes!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fit Food Tip #3
A common complaint when people are trying to lose weight is “I’m always hungry!!!” There are a few things to look at here:
Big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner (with snacks in between): You eat the most calories in the beginning of your day when you have hours of activity ahead of you to burn off those calories, then wane your caloric intake throughout the day. Also, that big breakfast helps ward off those “I’m starving!!!” eating binges later in the day.
6 evenly sized meals throughout the day: Your day is spent grazing. Small, well planned meals keep you from being hungry. If you schedule these meals every couple of hours or when you feel hunger coming on, then you won’t end up deprived with that “I’m starving!!!” feeling.
Now which one is better? That’s a toss up…it really depends on each individual and how their body responds. Maybe give each one a try and see how they work for you!
The key to snacks (and really all food intake) is to make sure they are nutrient-packed and well-balanced. Here are a few ideas:
Nuts & Seeds – almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds…**heavily flavored versions aren’t necessarily “healthy” – watch for high amounts of salt and sugar. The BEST is raw – usually found in the health food or produce section of the store – not the snack aisle. At first, they seem lacking in flavor, but an appreciation for their individual natural flavors comes with time. (I think our tongues have been conditioned to 3 flavors…salt, sugar, and fat….but that’s a whole different soap-box!)
Nut Butters – the natural versions of almond, peanut or sunflower (I know…not a nut) – found next to the “regular PB.” These have a natural fat, but in moderation, are packed with nutrients – especially protein – excellent pre- or post-workout snack
Yogurt – again, look for low-fat and low-sugar varieties (but not including aspartame). “Plain” is the best, but has a strong flavor that takes getting used to. **hint: plain mixed with granola or honey is EXCELLENT!)
Boiled eggs – protein packed!
Popcorn – plain, not loaded with butter and salt – but good for when you just have the munchies!
Combinations –
DIY trial mix : different mixes of dried fruit and nuts keeps you from being bored with the same stuff every day!
Nut butters – great with carrots, veggies, apples, whole grain crackers
Yogurt – as mentioned before, awesome with some granola or fruit mixed in!
When you start combining, the possibilities are endless!
***By the way, I heard I've been outed! I haven't been signing my e-mails since my husband is the one who actually sends them out. I thought maybe it'd be weird since I don't actually "belong" to TES in any formal way...Matt just asked for help in the food department of the Biggest Loser since he pretty much just eats whatever I stick in the pantry or on the table and I said, "Hey, I'll just write it! It'd be fun!" And now I've heard he’s been signing them for me (thanks, Dear). I'm just a mom and a wife who is also the "Google Queen." J I got really interested in healthy eating when the kids started eating table foods and also in my own journey to fitness. I’ve made a lot of changes, but consistency is my main struggle. I've kind of joined all of you in this Biggest Loser that’s going on – not so much in the competitive way, but just to refocus my efforts. So if it’s any encouragement to you, I’m fighting this battle right along with you guys! There’s a big difference in knowing what to do and actually doing it…let’s DO it together!
And as though this e-mail isn’t crazy long enough already…ha! are a few of my favorite internet resources: - I’m a blog junkie – but even if you’re not, this girl still is extremely inspiring and has a very no-nonsense way of healthy living. Even if you don’t decide to “follow” her blog, still look around at her recipe page and maybe her “about me” story. - Don’t let the word “vegan” turn you off. I’m not vegan, but this woman’s recipes are AMAZING. They might look intimidating at first, but most of her ingredients are easily found at your local grocery store and once you stock up on just a couple of new pantry staples, you’ll use them over and over again in multiple recipes from this page. Also, you can always just substitute your “regular” skim milk or low-fat cheese for her vegan varieties and still have an extremely nutritious meal. - my go-to resource for recipes – check out the orange “recipe sifter” button on the right side under the search bar – easily search for low-cal, healthy, vegetarian, etc….tons of options here
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fit Food Tip #2
This one should actually be called "FIT DRINK" or something of that nature...
*Many forms of metabolism are going on in your body, but when it comes to the metabolism of fat, the kidneys and liver work together. When you are dehydrated, your kidneys' productivity is extremely limited, basically leaving your liver the only worker left to do a 3 man job. Not only is this hard on your organs in general, it also results in extra fat stored.
*"How do I know if I'm dehydrated?" Everyone's heard the old "8 glasses a day" standby. It could be a little more, or a little less, depending on the individual in question. The true test? Your urine. Yep. Let's call it the "tee-tee test." Ultimately, you want it to be clear. If it is, you know you are supplying your body with it's necessary amounts of water. The more yellow or strong-smelling your urine is, the more dehydrated you are. Check it out next time you...uh, have the opportunity?
*"But every timeI try to drink more water, I just find myself running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!" This is frustrating, and you may see it as a sign your body doesn't need any more water. However, what's actually happening is your body is coming out of ''survival mode." The human body recognizes extended dehydration and compensates by storing water. When your body senses that you are giving it the water it needs, it begins to release that stored water from your ankles, legs, stomach, wherever it's storehouses are. If you continue a regular water regimen, you will notice that the "elimination" of these stores will slow down, and your trips to the restroom will return to normal. Just hang in there!
*"But water is just so....flavorless! Bleh." With all of our processed foods and sugary drinks, our taste buds have become partial to sodas and juice and pretty much anything else besides water. This becomes an issue anytime someone begins to eat and drink more healthfully. It takes some time to get used to the "new" foods and drinks, but it will happen. If you pay attention, your body will begin to crave these fuels, as opposed to the empty calories it's been being fed for the longest time. Again, just hang in there! Your body will thank you for it!
*Another trick? Buy yourself a cool water bottle you love. There's a thousand and one new styles of water bottles coming out every day - it may sound childish, but if you like your bottle, you'll like drinking out of it and will tend to grab a swig more often.
*Increased soda consumption can lead to osteoporosis. It contains phosphorous, which leaches calcium from your bones.
*Most contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and diuretics dehydrate your body at the expense of your muscles and organs, which need water to function properly.
*Diet sodas...They aren't any better. They contain aspartame, saccrine, and other man-made ingredients which are HORRIBLE for your body. The effects are too many to list on this e-mail, but just please, please know that "diet" doesn't mean "okay." Laboratory-produced foods and ingredients are often unrecognizable by the body, wreaking havoc on our systems.
*Another side note on artificial sweeteners: They are actually hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. So, while you might be technically not taking in sugar with your soda or other "sugar-free" product, your body is still receiving stimulus that triggers sweet cravings, leaving you to battle the sugar trap once again later in the day.
These may be the "healthier" alternative, that doesn't make them a free-for-all drink. Juices contain A LOT of sugar - while it is a natural sugar from fruits, it is still very concentrated and is very easy to overindulge in, leading to extra pounds. As for vitamin the definitely don't want anything that contains high fructose corn syrup, as that just goes straight to fat storage...remember, your body doesn't even know what to do with it. Other than that, just keep your eye on ingredients and sugar really depends on the drink. Some are just kool-aid style with vitamins dumped in...that doesn't make them healthy though. If you dumped some vitamin C in a bucket of mop water, it wouldn't make that mop water good for you to drink, would it?
Oh, dear...we're not even going there!
*Many forms of metabolism are going on in your body, but when it comes to the metabolism of fat, the kidneys and liver work together. When you are dehydrated, your kidneys' productivity is extremely limited, basically leaving your liver the only worker left to do a 3 man job. Not only is this hard on your organs in general, it also results in extra fat stored.
*"How do I know if I'm dehydrated?" Everyone's heard the old "8 glasses a day" standby. It could be a little more, or a little less, depending on the individual in question. The true test? Your urine. Yep. Let's call it the "tee-tee test." Ultimately, you want it to be clear. If it is, you know you are supplying your body with it's necessary amounts of water. The more yellow or strong-smelling your urine is, the more dehydrated you are. Check it out next time you...uh, have the opportunity?
*"But every timeI try to drink more water, I just find myself running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!" This is frustrating, and you may see it as a sign your body doesn't need any more water. However, what's actually happening is your body is coming out of ''survival mode." The human body recognizes extended dehydration and compensates by storing water. When your body senses that you are giving it the water it needs, it begins to release that stored water from your ankles, legs, stomach, wherever it's storehouses are. If you continue a regular water regimen, you will notice that the "elimination" of these stores will slow down, and your trips to the restroom will return to normal. Just hang in there!
*"But water is just so....flavorless! Bleh." With all of our processed foods and sugary drinks, our taste buds have become partial to sodas and juice and pretty much anything else besides water. This becomes an issue anytime someone begins to eat and drink more healthfully. It takes some time to get used to the "new" foods and drinks, but it will happen. If you pay attention, your body will begin to crave these fuels, as opposed to the empty calories it's been being fed for the longest time. Again, just hang in there! Your body will thank you for it!
*Another trick? Buy yourself a cool water bottle you love. There's a thousand and one new styles of water bottles coming out every day - it may sound childish, but if you like your bottle, you'll like drinking out of it and will tend to grab a swig more often.
*Increased soda consumption can lead to osteoporosis. It contains phosphorous, which leaches calcium from your bones.
*Most contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and diuretics dehydrate your body at the expense of your muscles and organs, which need water to function properly.
*Diet sodas...They aren't any better. They contain aspartame, saccrine, and other man-made ingredients which are HORRIBLE for your body. The effects are too many to list on this e-mail, but just please, please know that "diet" doesn't mean "okay." Laboratory-produced foods and ingredients are often unrecognizable by the body, wreaking havoc on our systems.
*Another side note on artificial sweeteners: They are actually hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. So, while you might be technically not taking in sugar with your soda or other "sugar-free" product, your body is still receiving stimulus that triggers sweet cravings, leaving you to battle the sugar trap once again later in the day.
These may be the "healthier" alternative, that doesn't make them a free-for-all drink. Juices contain A LOT of sugar - while it is a natural sugar from fruits, it is still very concentrated and is very easy to overindulge in, leading to extra pounds. As for vitamin the definitely don't want anything that contains high fructose corn syrup, as that just goes straight to fat storage...remember, your body doesn't even know what to do with it. Other than that, just keep your eye on ingredients and sugar really depends on the drink. Some are just kool-aid style with vitamins dumped in...that doesn't make them healthy though. If you dumped some vitamin C in a bucket of mop water, it wouldn't make that mop water good for you to drink, would it?
Oh, dear...we're not even going there!
Fit Food Tip #1
Who doesn't hate diets? All the "Don't eat this, or this, or this, or this...." and the "Let me check my book...." Ugh.
Seeing results? Um, yes, please! How much more fun is it when you squeeze in that next size smaller jeans at Old Navy?
Diet plans like Atkins, South Beach, etc. can produce results, but what if you don't have time to worry about if your food fits into a specific "diet plan?" Or maybe you just don't feel comfortable with strict, extremely specific guidelines that send you running for a book to see what you can or can't eat on a particular day.
Here's a few EASY tips to get us on our way to smaller butts and healthy guts :
*focus on eating whole foods - IF IT HAS A MOTHER OR CAME FROM THE EARTH, IT'S GOOD FOR YA! Processed foods are full of unnatural fillers and preservatives - many our bodies don't even recognize and can't process - no thanks!
*STICK TO THE OUTER EDGES OF THE GROCERY STORE - think produce, meat, dairy - all on the perimeter of the store. The aisles are where the processed foods lie.
*eat foods that will go bad relatively soon...FRESH FOODS...if something can sit in the pantry for 3 years and still be good? yeah, probably not awesome for your bod.
*READ NUTRITION LABELS/INGREDIENT LISTS - "fat free" often means "added sugar or salt" to make up for lack of flavor (besides, fat free foods are often processed anyway)
...speaking of processed foods, and ingredient lists, here are a few things your body probably hates and you want to steer clear of:
* partially hydrogenated fats/trans fats
* high fructose corn syrup
* artificial sweeteners and colorings (they suggest SMALL amounts of real sugar, or the herb Stevia if you want a noncaloric sweetener)
* sugar alcohols (anything that ends in -ol: sorbitol, xylitol...)
* excess sodium
* refined (white) flour
* preservatives, colorings and additives
ok, ok, enough "do this" and "do that's" for today....
BOTTOM LINE: Eat wholly and you'll get healthy.
and maybe give these recipes a shot:
Substitute applesauce for oil (even amounts) and they'll be even healthier!
Substitute applesauce for oil (even amounts) and they'll be even healthier!
Time to bust out the Thermos!
Sounds kind of fancy-pants for a Tuesday night, but maybe for a weekend dinner with friends?
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